With the passing of another glamorous event, Dancing in a Winter Wonderland, yet another year as the Carolina's ONLY exclusive Ballroom and Latin Dance studio comes to an end! DanceSport Carolina Lake Wylie and DanceSport Carolina Matthews are getting ready to wrap their year of private dance lessons, dynamic group classes, and event preparation and take a week of much deserved rest! While this time is one of great reflection on all the fun we have had this year, it is also so exciting for the Pro's of DSC to be finding out and discussing all the joy, suprises, and dancing to come in 2011! There are MANY suprises in store this coming year for all those who are fortunate enough to be part of the DanceSport Carolina family! We look forward to sharing them with you throughout the new year! But until then, may your Christmas be merry, your travels be safe, your time with family be joyful and......
Your New Year filled with love and dancing!
Thomas & Elizabeth Malvasia
& the staff of DanceSport Carolina
(Team Matthews & Team Wylie)
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